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Traveling is a life-changing experience. There are several beautiful destinations out there for everyone on this planet. And, like me, any person can travel to explore any destination. I have seen absolutely beautiful destination.

It gives me more pleasure to meet people with same passion in their heart like me towards traveling. But, this hurts me the most when I notice people traveling go insane and do immoral activities. Too many travelers treat destinations as their personal playground.

A Traveler's manifesto (4)


I don’t support spreading dirt at the destination for which a traveler spends huge money, planning and excitement to see it. I have seen few travelers knowingly throwing up waste on streets, being intolerable to locals, and ignoring local customs. Nobody benefits from this.

Let’s change things.

I am talking to you – the first-time travelers, vacation-planners, short-term travelers, long-term travelers, and everyone else. We all play major role of travel and tourism industry. We all have power to push it forwards or pull it backward. This manifesto is something that I have had in my mind for a while and I am writing this to encourage those who need it.

I believe in these norms down to my core. These are driving force behind my traveling plans and contribution towards planet to make it more beautiful than ever. I think it’s time to start being a responsible traveler.

As you improve, we all improve – A responsible traveler

Somewhere at some destination someone traveling thought it would be a good idea to see the comfort first and ignore the culture of the land. He thought it would be good idea to see the comfort first, throw the water bottle anywhere behind bushes rather than placing it in dustbin. He thought that this will not harm him.

That someone doing this harm to destroy the beauty of the destination can be me, you, he or she or any person traveling.

Let me set one thing straight right away: your trips and traveling experience will suffer greatly if you believe that, I promise.
You are my fellow traveler and I am on your team.

I want you to plan your next trip with the following three sets of promises so that you can be among those travelers who are loved by locals and leave positive impact on the communities while traveling around the globe.

SET 1 of My Traveler’s Manifesto to take pledge before traveling:

1. I will read about the place before I go there.

2. I will respect local cultures, customs and people.

3. I will learn some phrases in the local language and greet locals with cheerful nature.

4. I will do one thing that scares me during my trip.

5. I will be the best version of myself during my trip.

6. To support sustainable travel, I believe in concept of promoting local business. Hence, I will eat the local food.

7. I will ask for reasonable price while making purchases during trip but I will not haggle over less than a dollar.

8. I will understand the situation and will not turn out to be an obnoxious traveler.

9. I will not take risks or cross ethical boundaries for inappropriate selfies.

10. I will not be disrespectful at sacred sites. And, will enter into temples by following guidelines and respect towards devotees.

A Traveler's manifesto (2)


SET 2 of My Traveler’s Manifesto to take pledge before traveling:

11. I will not let my thrill seeking behavior turn into recklessness.

12. I will learn the act of kindness towards my fellow travelers.

13. I will enjoy my trip and party to the fullest, but I will be respectful towards the rules of my hostel. And, will not do any activity to disturb other travelers staying in hotel.

14. I will not travel in public after consuming liquor. During trip, I will limit my intake.

15. Pledge that I will follow travel hygiene etiquettes.

16. I will not irritate my fellow travelers by asking them same questions over and over again; instead, will talk politely and exchange traveling ideas on their comfort.

17. I will not show off my accessories, electronic gadgets, and ability to spend.

18. I will express my opinions only in selected matters. As a tourist, I will not involve in any argument over sensitive topics such as politics or religion.

19. I will respect the social aspects of dining in cafes and restaurants. And, will not complain about long waits and slower services.

20. I will not talk loudly in crowded and public places.

A Traveler's manifesto (3)


SET 3 of My Traveler’s Manifesto to take pledge before traveling:

21. Pledge that I will not judge people I encounter during my trip based on their appearances and custom.

22. I will not boast about my smart backpacking skills and judge others for how they pack.

23. I will not judge people on their eating manners. And, will be humble towards all.

24. I will remember to enjoy the moments and will not keep updating my Facebook all the time. And, will put my camera down when needed.

25. I will travel slow and explore uncommon tourist paths.

26. I will have no regrets after making last-minute changes in the plan.

27. I will fulfill my heart desires and follow my wanderlust above all.

28. I will not form any kind of fix opinion for entire country based on few hours or few days of travel.

29. Above all, I will not damage the environment and limit my plastic consumption.

30. I will not forget that traveling is a privilege in my life. And, will cherish every stupid, astonishing, thrilling moment on the road and all the wonderful people.

The key point of this manifesto is to show just the right amount of respect towards the culture, ways and traditions of every country you visit. Treat travel as a learning opportunity. No learning comes free.

If you can give back any kind of support by spending in local items that you have traveled, do – those few bucks can go and help many than you may imagine.

As a traveler, your efforts in following this manifesto won’t go unnoticed, neither will a smile. Travel to the fullest.

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