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What do you like – Traveling in a group or solo? While traveling in a group may be providing you benefits like group discounts in activities and bookings. Solo traveling can provide you more.
Traveling with a friend or family can be full of excitement, but there’s something that makes solo traveling very special. Solo traveling has its irreplaceable benefits that I have realized from my few solo trips.
Let’s explore why I prefer being a solo traveler and what I have learned from my solo trips.

1. Higher chances of interaction with locals on a personal level

You and I may be having different styles while traveling. whatever your traveling style is, having local experiences makes your trip more valuable. You can’t deny that while traveling solo, you get higher chances of interaction with locals on a personal level.

Planning your trip is very important to have more local experiences. For me, travel planning is key to connect with locals. You can use anything like social media, travel apps, websites, travel bloggers, and guidebooks to get recommendations on events and happenings in the city and connect.

What I have learned from being a solo traveler (1)


2. You can easily make friends along the way

When seeking local experiences, solo traveling gives you the freedom to communicate and make friends along the way. And it’s easier than you think. According to me, while traveling you come across many people with whom you can have interaction and learn more interesting things about the place.

Being a solo traveler gives you the freedom to make friends. While traveling solo, you won’t feel the pressure to schedule your day based on other’s opinions. Both you and your new friend can have lunch or drinks wherever it suits and travels anywhere.

3. Be the real you

Traveling teaches you many things – be it from a new language, culture, or personal experiences. Generally, I never had time for myself. I was so caught up in my daily routine – work, study, commute, errands, parties, etc. I was not giving myself the time which it needs for personal growth. Traveling solo gives you the time to know the real you, be the real you, and discover more about yourself.

What I have learned from being a solo traveler (2)


4. Learn to love your own company

My friends and family used to ask me “why I prefer traveling alone?” Well, it’s simple, I love traveling alone as it gives me a good learning experience. The freedoms that I feel while traveling solo, is great.

When you choose to travel solo, you choose to love your own company. When you get time to enjoy your own company, you acknowledge your good qualities and boost your self-esteem.

5. Solo travel to empower

When you choose to go on a solo trip, you can’t depend on somebody. You are free to utilize your time the way you want. Speaking of no expectations, you can plan your day convenient for you. You can choose to have adventures or sitting on the beach and read a book.

6. A Chance to face your fears

Solo traveling is also about getting out of the comfort zone and trusting yourself. When you trust yourself and decide to travel solo, you conquer over the fear of the unknown, language barrier, etc.

7. Freedom to experiment with your likes and dislikes

Traveling not gives you learning but it also allows you to participate in activities. When you travel in a group, you are bound to make decisions based on other interests. Traveling solo gives you the liberty to experiment with your likes and dislikes. You don’t have to worry about offending anyone. You can try anything, travel anywhere anytime, and learn more about your interests.

8. Provides good time to sort out feelings

There may be good days or bad days going in your life. You might be feeling stressed or happy about your work. Solo traveling provides you time to sort out your low feelings and enjoy the positive one.

What I have learned from being a solo traveler (3)


9. Teaches to listen and trust own intuition

While traveling, you may get situations where you must make decisions on your own. You learn to rely on your inner wisdom and gut feelings. It’s how you can determine if a stranger is safe, or if you can walk to your accommodation alone at night and cab is not available.

Being a solo traveler, I have learned to rely on my intuitions, even when others have disagreed. This connects me to my gut feelings and gives me the freedom to test it out without upsetting myself by the opinion of others.

I started traveling in groups and ended up falling in love with solo traveling. I love group traveling when the opportunity comes. I am not against this. But, I love the freedom, experience, and learning that comes by traveling alone. Solo traveling makes me feel that I am in charge of my travel budget, plans, and activities.

So, if you haven’t experienced solo traveling yet, you should. Feel free to share your learning from your solo trips in comments.

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