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As you are aware of the importance of the travel budget to reach your travel goals. I am sharing my tips and techniques that helps me to afford my travel plans. This article is going to explain how you can too afford traveling to your dream destinations with and live your dream of traveling.

How I Afford My Travels, and How You Can Too (1)


Every person dedicated to making travel plans wants to execute their plans successfully. But when it comes to paying for travel expenses, it’s not always possible. If you’ve ever worried that you can’t afford your travels, you’re not alone.

If you want to travel overseas or long-term, the traveling cost can more than double or even triple the travel budget.

Fortunately, depending on the circumstances, you may have several options to afford your travels. Here are some useful tips on affording your travel to consider.

1. You have to save it, it won’t save itself – Money

I save because I can’t see myself canceling or delaying my trips. Saving money can provide you financial security and freedom to choose destinations. I afford my travels on my own. With an experience of traveling and travel blogging, I have managed to add a reliable source of income, say travel companies and others.

You have to discover your ways to save money, it won’t save itself. Here are my few practical ways to save money for your trip.

• Shopping and traveling can’t co-exist. Refuse window shopping and prefer to shop with necessity.
• If you have a regular monthly income, automate a fixed amount to your travel savings account. If you don’t have, prefer saving some for particular trips.
• Avoid night out plans and enjoy a home-cooked meal and a movie.
• Stop drinking out – Stock at home or drink at a friend’s place.

2. Pick up a part-time job

At the time I quit my corporate job, I was struggling for the sources to make a living. I love traveling and blogging, but I love social media too. Then, I decided to give my addiction to social media a positive spin. After learning major techniques for handling social media presence, I was ready to show up in market. Today I am earning money by doing what I enjoy.

How I Afford My Travels, and How You Can Too (1)


3. Deeper you dig, more satisfying the outcome – Use Google

It will only be fair to confess here that as a traveler, I use Google to search for my travel requirements. There are tons of travel websites promoting cheap flight deals, accommodation, food coupons, etc. Facebook page, twitter feeds of hotels, tourism board, travel companies keep on promoting special offers and contests. Such contests and offers provide greater benefits, sometimes a free flight or free accommodation or something close enough.

4. Knowing your priorities makes all the difference

Can money return you your dreams and time? When you find yourself in a strangling situation between your corporate job and travel desires, there’s a problem. When I completed my graduation and started working on a corporate payroll. I always wondered why people earning a fixed amount from their job claim that they can’t afford to travel much at all. When I asked my few colleagues, they told me that they are saving for the future, the wedding, house, kid’s education, or retirement.

I was thinking in my head when these people are going to live their life. You may agree with my truth that there is no end to saving or desires.

If all you want is traveling and exploring this beautiful planet, nothing else matters. There are several ways you can earn your living while traveling for the long-term.

Also read: How to Earn Money While Travelling

5. Taking a working holiday in the country you want to travel

When I was thinking of going to Australia for a working holiday, I did my research on how to find a job in Australia and save money. It can be any country of your choice. Look for a job providing accommodation and food as an additional benefit with salary. You can get a job as home sitting or in a bar, pub or café. This makes your trip to expensive country much affordable.

How I Afford My Travels, and How You Can Too (1)


6. Earn money while you are on the road

When you are making money while traveling, you can travel indefinitely. It also means you are not bounded by 9 to 5 corporate job and can manage your travel budget on your own. Regardless of which option you choose to save money for travel, it’s important not to sacrifice your comfort of travel.

7. Cut out things you don’t need, enjoy what you love

Regardless of which option you choose to save money for travel, it’s important not to sacrifice your comfort of traveling. Traveling is about the experience you gain from it. There are some activities or gears which adds extreme satisfaction to your travel experience. You must not cut out on those. I will suggest to reconsider and ask yourself what things you don’t need at all. Then, Cut out those to enjoy what you love.

Now that you have my 07 exclusive tips on how I afford my travel, what about yours? Feel free to use these tips to afford your travel plans and share your best tip or trick in comment to help fellow travelers.

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