Pregnancy to Parenting How I managed my morning sickness – Week 8, My Pregnancy DiaryFrom the day I knew about my pregnancy, I was so happy but this happiness had arrived with some not so wanted moments too. Till…ShwetaMarch 20, 2018
Pregnancy to Parenting My pregnancy diary: The announcement of being pregnantThe day we found out that I had a bun in the oven, I was filled with so many emotions. I was happy, shocked, scared,…ShwetaMarch 12, 2018
Pregnancy to Parenting Pregnancy and me – Week 6, when I first knew – I am pregnant'Congratulations! You are pregnant.' This good news came to us absolutely when it was needed the most. Resting here in my bed, while writing my…ShwetaMarch 5, 2018
Pregnancy to Parenting जब मुझे पहली बार पता चला – मैं माँ बनने वाली हूँ, मेरी प्रेगनेंसी डायरी"बधाई हो! आप माँ बनने वाली हैं।" यह अच्छी खबर हमें बिल्कुल तब मिली, जब हमें इसकी सबसे अधिक जरूरत थी। मेरी गर्भावस्था के 20 वें…ShwetaMarch 5, 2018
Pregnancy to Parenting Pregnancy Week 9 and Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) levelHuman chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is a hormone produced during pregnancy. After you conceive (when the sperm fertilizes the egg), the developing placenta begins to produce…ShwetaJanuary 22, 2018